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Friends of McNair

What is the Friends of McNair Program?

The Friends of McNair Program is an adjacent program to the TRIO McNair Scholars Program. The Friends of McNair can attend the TRIO McNair Scholars Program’s workshops and academic events at the University of Pittsburgh, unless those events are designated as “TRIO McNair Scholars only” events (ex. Cultural trips, Summer Research Program events, or TRIO McNair-specific conferences).

Who can become Friends of McNair?

Students who may be considered for inclusion in the Friends of McNair Program are sophomore, junior, and senior students who:

  • Are students in other opportunity programs at the University of Pittsburgh who are not otherwise eligible for the McNair Program (ex. TRIO SSS, BRIDGES, Provost Scholars, Kessler Scholars), or
  • Are members of the University of Pittsburgh’s at-promise populations, or
  • Are students who demonstrate a need for McNair programming (ex. Students on Academic Probation, students taking part in an academic success plan, student athletes, students in McNair-adjacent affinity groups, students demonstrating a need for campus life or academic skills coaching), or
  • Students who are McNair eligible, but are not able to be accepted based on program limitations, student academic barriers, desire to pursue a professional degree, or another reason.

Students who may not fit one of these categories are encouraged to talk to Dr. Sell or Dr. Stolte about their specific interest in the Friends of McNair Program.

What are the requirements for Friends of McNair?

Friends of McNair Program participants are responsible for working towards their research and graduate/professional program goals and the preparation needed for such admission (creating a CV, writing personal statements, and other items on the Grad School Checklist provided by Dr. Sell), and are held to the standards for participation outlined by program staff in their acceptance meeting. Friends of McNair should meet with Dr. Sell or Dr. Stolte to discuss any events and workshops, research involvement, or grad school questions.

What is not required of Friends of McNair?

Friends of McNair Program participants are not required to present at or attend conferences. However, this is highly encouraged to gain the full benefit of the Friends of McNair Program, as is taking a research methods course (required by most majors, the Honors College, OUR programs, and Distinction options). Attaining at least one research opportunity during the academic year is also encouraged, but is not required. Working with other campus programs (i.e. the Honors College, Distinction, honor societies, etc.) to find and attain such experience is encouraged.

How do I join Friends of McNair?

Please e-mail or meet with Dr. Sell or Dr. Stolte to discuss joining Friends of McNair.