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Provost Academy Testimonials

Former Provost Academy students have a ton of great things to say about what it is like to get a head start on you first year—from easing fears to making friends to learning their way around and discovering a strong sense of belonging.

Provost Academy participants show off their paintings from a group activity

"Surrounded by such welcoming and energetic people, I was much less anxious and more comfortable as I started college. I credit this to the PALs and other leaders/teachers in Provost who gave great advice and were always, and continue to be, a friendly face.” —Former Provost Academy Participant

Read what recent Provost Academy participants had to say about their experiences in the following areas..


“It was because of my PALs’ advice, guidance, and support that I was able to succeed at Pitt after completing the summer program. I took charge of my future and made sure I utilized the various campus resources my PALs mentioned, such as the Study Lab and Writing Center, faced challenges head-on, and pursued opportunities that made me step out of my comfort zone, such as conducting dental research and presenting advocacy workshops.”

Provost Academy students get useful academic information during classroom sessions

“The Provost Academy Leaders (PALS) assigned to us, helped make that transition as smooth and seamless as possible. They provided their experience on what Pitt was like, what classes to take, how to study for college, where to access resources like textbooks, cool places to visit, and so much more. They were always there when I needed them most, and they were always receptive to questions from my peers and me.”

“The Provost Academy allowed me to connect with my current mentor and friend, who provides me with advice in navigating my career and personal life in a place and scenario that is uncommon to me as a first-generation college student and individual new to Pittsburgh. Through my mentor I was able to rediscover my passion for Public Health, connect with the right individuals and make my dream of working in the field a reality.”

“I was nervous and anxious coming to Pitt since I did not know anyone. I remember the first time I had to go to my Academic Project Learning Experience, Game Crafts, and had trouble finding the location. After breakfast, everyone left to go to their respective academic projects, but I was slow and got left behind with one other person. We were both confused and anxious to get to Game Crafts on time and that was when we came across one of the PALs helped us get to where we needed to be. Having someone there to help whenever I needed was comforting and I want to be that person for the incoming freshmen.”


“It was so helpful to have a peer mentor as I was adapting to a new environment 6 hours away from home. It was comforting to know that there were other people who had gone through what I was going [through]. Sometimes it’s difficult to adapt to a completely unfamiliar place, and having a mentor really helped me.”

“On the first day my nerves turned into eagerness, as I was welcomed by both the PALs and staff. One of the PALs had helped me forego my introverted personality and encouraged me to participate instead of anticipating. From this I was able to formulate a strong friend group, that continues to thrive. All these reasons stem from the catalyzing actions of the PALs.”

“It was so comforting to arrive on campus and be greeted by amazing faculty, staff, and PAL’s who I could tell really wanted me to feel like I belonged at Pitt. One of the PAL’s that made a lasting mark on me was my PAL at Camp Guyastua and was in my group for the escape room. She was so fun, and I could tell she really cared for us and wanted us to have a good experience. She told me all about her major that I was interested in and gave me tips for classes and professors.”

Provost Academy attendees meet each other and build community before the academic year even starts

“My PAL was late to get to campus because of some flight issues, but the other PALs filled in for her. Specifically, I remember at lunch one day we were asked to sit with our PALs. As my PAL was not yet there, all of us that had her as our mentor wandered around The Eatery, unsure of what we were doing. A few of the other PALs saw us confused and told us to join their groups for the day. We didn’t know how to use the dining halls, and they took us into their already large groups to help us through the day. Everyone was there to support the incoming freshmen, and I doubt that I would’ve been as successful this year if I hadn’t started my Pitt experience with Provost Academy.”

Positive Acclimation

“Upon arriving to Pitt, the Provost Academy Leaders were one of the first few students that I got to meet, and they helped make me feel very comfortable with my shift to a college setting. The PALs that I spoke to were also very accessible and eager to answer questions about navigating campus life, which helped me feel more confident once the first weeks of classes started.”

“Provost got me out of my shell and helped me navigate my start here in the city. I remember my PAL talking to everyone in my group about some of the things that helped her transition to Pitt during her first year, along with her involvement with several Pitt clubs or organizations that I didn't even know existed. After talking to the PALs, I felt like I had much more insight into the community and potential opportunities I might have academically and recreationally. I felt much more prepared going into the semester than I think I would have had I not done Provost.”

Provost Academy students participate in outdoor activities to help build connection

“Walking alone to the check-in desk on the first day of Provost Academy after saying goodbye to my parents, in an environment that was unfamiliar to me, I could feel my heart racing and palms sweating. But as soon as I had my first interaction with a Provost Academy Leader at the registration desk, I immediately felt calmer.”

“[I] did not get lost on my first day of classes since I got a walkthrough of my schedule. The PAL was very knowledgeable about Pitt and navigation. She recommended that we install certain apps that most students use, that I probably would not have learned about if I didn't hear from her. She really influenced me to be a leader and help others after I saw how helpful her knowledge was to us new students.”


“Being able to meet so many new people and getting to have a PAL to ask questions and get to know made me feel welcomed and safe at Pitt.”

Student finds her name among listing of all new students arriving at Pitt

“A big part of Provost Academy were the PALs, incredible students who went out of their way to make us feel comfortable and gave us their tips and tricks on navigating college life. Each of them were incredibly kind, helpful, and friendly. They made sure the activities were engaging and fun, and they were always there to lend an ear if we needed to talk about missing home.”

“My PAL was so kind and answered my questions thoughtfully​. She worked hard to get to know me and make me feel seen.”

“At the Provost check-in, I was greeted enthusiastically by the PALs. Their friendly smiles made it easy to feel at ease in a place where I was not so familiar.”